Monday, April 22, 2013

New Silhouettes

Just in time for Mother's Day ( May 12th ) I've added some options for silhouettes in my etsy shop.
Along with the sterling silhouette charms of a child or grandchild, I also can make them in 14k goldfill!

sterling silhouette pendants14k goldfill silhouette

Another fun option is a custom silhouette graphic or stationary for those birthday party thank yous or just a sweet note.

Because these are digital files you recieve them within 2-5 days. Or I can print them and cut out for you for an extra fee. ( Discounts for multiple silhouettes apply)

Basically you email me a profile photo of the child, I then create a graphic which after sharing with you I can edit or adjust to your liking.... this graphic can be used to cut out a paper silhouette to frame, for custom stationary, or whatever your creative needs may be.  Check out the ones I made for my daughter and nephew.
profile silhouettecustom profile stationary

Quick tips for taking profile photos:
1) try to have a neutral background - solid colors work best.
2) take photo 3-5 feet at their eye level

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I just realized in less than a month my baby will be 1!  Time slips by so quickly!  So  I have to apologize for not updating since before Christmas!

Lots to update!
On the 1st of February we made the treck from D.C. to NYC.   We've even already experienced our first NYC blizzard the first weekend we were here!

Our previous apt. was prefurnished so other than our bedrooms we're still living out of boxes because we need to find some furniture!   That's ok because we're in NYC! ;) So I'm sure we'll find some great pieces.

Which also means that my studio is not completely set up.  :(
I've had a little bit of time to work on the redesign of some of my packaging:

And of course a couple of custom zodiac pieces for friends and family.

 I'm working a bit slow these days but if there's something you you need, feel free to contact me with your special request.
