Monday, April 22, 2013

New Silhouettes

Just in time for Mother's Day ( May 12th ) I've added some options for silhouettes in my etsy shop.
Along with the sterling silhouette charms of a child or grandchild, I also can make them in 14k goldfill!

sterling silhouette pendants14k goldfill silhouette

Another fun option is a custom silhouette graphic or stationary for those birthday party thank yous or just a sweet note.

Because these are digital files you recieve them within 2-5 days. Or I can print them and cut out for you for an extra fee. ( Discounts for multiple silhouettes apply)

Basically you email me a profile photo of the child, I then create a graphic which after sharing with you I can edit or adjust to your liking.... this graphic can be used to cut out a paper silhouette to frame, for custom stationary, or whatever your creative needs may be.  Check out the ones I made for my daughter and nephew.
profile silhouettecustom profile stationary

Quick tips for taking profile photos:
1) try to have a neutral background - solid colors work best.
2) take photo 3-5 feet at their eye level

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